Year 7-11 Tutoring

Get ahead in the years before VCE

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See what past students and parents have said...

"No one has ever taught me English like this before."

"My time spent studying was absolutely cut in half by this [the ongoing] program, and my marks increased hugely. Every tute focuses on specific skills we need to develop in order to best perform in VCE. And unlike in school where the teaching is really general, we get going into essay writing right away. Also, any time I have a question, I can just email or call and get an answer right away, without having to wait days to ask my teacher at school."

"Each class is so jam-packed with tips and knowledge that they're worth every cent."

"Tutition is really personalised. Everyone gets their own study plans, and everything is marked really quickly."

"My tutor definitely knows what she is talking about, and her experience and kind manner really show through in every tute. It's true that she cares deeply about all her students, and gives us every opportunity to succeed."

"The comments on all the work I submit are always super detailed, and I feel like I know exactly where the mistakes are any how to fix them. Also, going through example essays is soooo helpful for showing me how to actually write."

"Hello Smart have such good resources!!! Every time I want to write, if my mind goes blank, I just open up the materials, and there are heaps of sentence starters, vocab banks, and example essays to get me thinking."

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There's no need to be stressed in Year 12 as long as you have a plan, and some guidance on how best to spend your time. We can help with both.

Set yourself up for a Year 12 where you can reach your potential. The top students are well-prepared right from January - and you can be too!

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How to know if this program is for you?

I don't know what or how to study for English
We'll work with you to create a personalised study plan targeted directly at what you need to improve on. Each week, we'll give you suggested study to complete, and then will mark any writing you send us with detailed comments.

It's impossible to come up with good ideas for essays
Our curriculum is designed in line with some of the state's top schools! We'll show you the $30,000 per year secrets they teach their students for responding to essay prompts no matter what. As a bonus, we've compiled all the key arguments and evidence (including quotes) that you might need to respond to any question you could get on an assessment.

My teacher doesn't really have time to help me properly
In addition to weekly tutorials, we offer all our students one-on-one support any time they need. This means you can call or email with a question while you're doing your homework, without having to wait days for a response.

One hour isn't enough time to write an essay - I don't know how to go faster
We teach our students how to plan and write to time, while still producing excellent work. It's all about making English a system, just like any subject - and we're the experts in that.

I've always been bad at English - it's just not possible for me to improve
English is a notoriously difficult subject to teach. If you aren't sure what you're doing, it just means you haven't been guided through the material properly. We are completely sure that we will be able to reframe English so that you can understand it, and improve.

I don't have time to study for English
Most students spend about 4x as much time studying subjects like maths or humanities than they spend on English. We will sit down with you personally and work out how to fit in time to achieve the goals that you want in English - even if you're school captain, spend all you lunch times in meetings, work every night after school, or have extracurriculars on the weekend.

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What makes us different?

We believe that every student we take on has the capacity to amaze themselves with their improvement. Our committment to excellence is the first step in showing them it's possible.
Rather than charging extra for marking, we ensure all current students have unlimited access to marking and question support. This ensures you'll never be left hanging around SAC time.
Directed teaching
Instead of sending our students into the wild, we hold their hands longer than any other program, giving them a solid foundation so they can feel safe to create their own interpretations.
Our program ensures all students reach a high level in English. Nonetheless, we work with you along the way to tailor our curriculums so they're maximally relevant to different levels.
We constantly follow up with both students and parents to ensure they have a thorough understanding of the program, and are able to have any questions answered as soon as possible.
We care deeply about all our students: their wellbeing, their outcomes, their health. Deciding to improve, or sharing your writing, can be very challenging. We want all students to feel supported.

Goodbye hard, hello smart.

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